jack rabbit造句
- "We don't need to provide golf courses for the jack rabbits ."
- Jack rabbits and quail wander its quiet streets without fear of accident.
- Roadrunners, wild turkeys, jack rabbits and Santa Gertrudis cattle crossed the agents'path.
- Jack Rabbit Knob is east of Antelope Lake playa in Cactus Flat.
- Buster's more of a jack rabbit terrier, such are his ears.
- It's a painfully flat country of cotton fields, oil wells and jack rabbits.
- Reid also published his first novel, " Jack Rabbit Parole, " that year.
- Sagebrush near the canyon is the favored habitat of jack rabbits.
- Church on Sunday; community supper on Monday; clubbing jack rabbits on weekend evenings.
- For more information, consumers can call Jack Rabbit Creations toll free at 1-888-376-5225.
- It's difficult to see jack rabbit in a sentence. 用jack rabbit造句挺难的
- The area is populated with yucca plants and cactuses, coyotes and jack rabbits.
- The two head to Jack Rabbit Slim's, a 50s themed restaurant to eat dinner.
- The film's big'50s homage is the restaurant, Jack Rabbit Slims.
- In the early morning, rabbits-- black-tailed jack rabbits and cottontails-- came out to feed.
- Four years later, Krohngold, Strumlauf, and Jim Sullivan started Jack Rabbit Lounge in Buckhead Village.
- In 2000, Strumlauf, Krohngold and Sullivan then opened Jack Rabbit Lounge in the Buckhead Village.
- As we rode, startled jack rabbits hopped for cover.
- As a result, his ears give him the appearance more of a Jack Rabbit terrier.
- Wild turkeys, armadillos, skunks, raccoons, opossums, cottontail rabbits, jack rabbits, and fox squirrels are also present.
- His ears being what they are, he's more akin in appearance to a Jack Rabbit terrier.
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